Dr. Mohamed Bin Ali

Mohd Ali
Dr. Mohamed Bin Ali

Senior Fellow at RSIS, NTU


Dr. Mohamed Bin Ali is a Senior Fellow at the Studies in Inter-ReligiousRelations in Plural Societies (SRP) Programme, RSIS, NTU, Singapore. His research focuses on Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamist ideology, religious extremism, and the rehabilitation of Muslim extremists. Dr. Mohamed holds degrees from Al-Azhar University, RSIS, and a PhD from the University of Exeter. He has been involved in the rehabilitation of Jemaah Islamiyah detainees in Singapore since 2003 and is Co-Chairman of the Religious Rehabilitation Group. Dr. Mohamed has lectured and presented extensivelyon Islamic issues and religious extremism. He is active in the community,serving as Chairman of Khadijah Mosque Management Board and holdingvarious positions within MUIS. In 2022, he was awarded the Public ServiceMedal (PBM) by the President of Singapore.

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