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Ali Hussain

Awakening Ihsan

Foundational Lectures

Join our Pre-Event Lectures to Prepare Your Spirituality for the Retreat | 5th - 13th October

A Series of Inspiring Lectures just for You

Embark on a profound journey through the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with a series of events led by Dr. Ali Hussain. This transformative series begins with an exploration of significant moments in the Prophet's life, offering insights into his interactions with various communities and the pivotal events that shaped Islamic history.

The sessions delve into the relevance of the Sirah in the modern age, discussing how to navigate Muslim identity today, the importance of historical context, and the prophetic examples of compassion and justice. Engage in thought-provoking lectures on the role of Sirah in the Quran, reflections on the Prophet's life across time, and the embodiment of his teachings by scholars and saints, and much more.

Seats are limited, so secure your spot now and don’t miss out on this enriching experience!

Dr. Ali Hussain

Dr Ali Hussain Ali has a doctoral degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan, Department of Middle Eastern Studies. His research focuses on the image of Jesus Christ AS in the writings of the Andalusian mystic Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-‘Arabi (QS). Alongside this academic tract, Dr. Hussain has also studied classical Islam with various prominent Muslim scholars. 

Most notably, in 2013, he studied for a few months in Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim, Yemen with his eminence Habib Umar Bin Hafidh, where he studied Qur’an, Hadith and the science of Ihsan. Since 2015, Dr. Hussain has also accompanied His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Al-Qabbani, and learned from him the various Islamic disciplines. Dr. Hussain has also authored several publications including, “Mystical Musings of a Contemporary Dervish”, “The Souk of Nostalgia: A Childhood Between Rivers and Mountains”, “The Art of Ibn ‘Arabi”, “Art in Memoirs: Setting Forth” and “Rumi and Gibran in Conversation”.

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